changes, 1.15
new packages:
VirtualResolutions, a package by Ayah Almousa, Christine Berkesch, Juliette Bruce, David Eisenbud, Michael Loper, and Mahrud Sayrafi, for virtual resolutions on products of projective spaces, has been added. (Actually, it was added in 1.14, but we forgot to say that in changes, 1.14.
FastMinors, previously called FastLinAlg, a package by Boyana Martinova, Marcus Robinson, Karl Schwede, and Yuhui (Wei) Yao, for faster linear algebra operations, has been added.
FrobeniusThresholds, a package by Juliette Bruce, Daniel Hernández, Karl Schwede, Dan Smolkin, Pedro Teixeira, and Emily Witt, for calculations of F-thresholds, has been added.
The package SOS has been renamed to SumsOfSquares.
SpechtModule, a package by Jonathan Niño for efficient computation of invariants for permutation groups, has been added.
SpecialFanoFourfolds, a package by Giovanni Staglianò for special cubic fourfolds and special prime Fano fourfolds of degree 10 and index 2, has been added.
packages that have been published and certified:
NumericalImplicitization, a package by Justin Chen and Joe Kileel for computing invariants of images of polynomial maps, has been published.
RandomMonomialIdeals, a package by Sonja Petrovic, Despina Stasi, Dane Wilburne, Tanner Zielinski, Daniel Kosmas, Parker Joncus, Richard Osborn, Monica Yun, and Genevieve Hummel, for generating Erdos-Renyi-type random monomial ideals, has been published.
SymbolicPowers, a package by Eloisa Grifo for calculations involving symbolic powers, has been published.
TestIdeals, a package by Alberto F. Boix, Juliette Bruce, Drew Ellingson, Daniel Hernandez, Zhibek Kadyrsizova, Mordechai Katzman, Sara Malec, Matthew Mastroeni, Maral Mostafazadehfard, Marcus Robinson, Karl Schwede, Dan Smolkin, Pedro Teixeira, and Emily Witt for calculations of singularities in positive characteristic, has been published.
SchurComplexes, a new package by Michael K. Brown, Amy Huang, Robert Laudone, Michael Perlman, Claudiu Raicu, Steven V. Sam, and Joao Pedro Santos, for Schur functors of chain complexes, has been added and published.
functionality added or improved:
The function nanosleep has been added by Boyana Martinova and Karl Schwede. It allows the Macaulay2 process to sleep for short periods.
The sagbi engine command rawSubduction has been fixed. A new engine function rawMonoidNumberOfBlocks has been created, which returns the number of blocks of the monomial order of the monoid (each Weight function, Lex, or GRevLex group counts as a block)
commits, issues, and pull requests on github
See closed 1.15 issues, for the issues and pull requests incorporated into 1.15.
See 1.15 commits for complete information about all changes to the code incorporated into 1.15.