i1 : headlines about firstFunction
o1 = 0. "FirstPackage :: firstFunction" -- a silly first function
1. "FirstPackage :: firstFunction(ZZ)" -- a silly first function
i2 : help 0
o2 = FirstPackage::firstFunction -- a silly first function
* Usage:
firstFunction n
* Inputs:
* n,
* Outputs:
* a silly string, depending on the value of n
Here we show an example.
| i1 : firstFunction 1 |
| |
| o1 = Hello World! |
| i2 : firstFunction 0 |
| |
| o2 = D'oh! |
i3 : headlines apropos "hilbert"
o3 = 0. "Polyhedra :: hilbertBasis" -- computes the Hilbert basis of a Cone
1. "Macaulay2Doc :: hilbertFunction" -- the Hilbert function
2. "Macaulay2Doc :: hilbertPolynomial" -- compute the Hilbert polynomial
3. "Macaulay2Doc :: hilbertSeries" -- compute the Hilbert series
i4 : headlines methods syz
o4 = 0. "Macaulay2Doc :: syz(GroebnerBasis)" -- retrieve the syzygy matrix
1. "Macaulay2Doc :: syz(Matrix)" -- compute the syzygy matrix
i5 : code 0
o5 = -- code for method: syz(GroebnerBasis)
../../../../../Macaulay2/m2/gb.m2:203:45-203:106: --source code:
syz GroebnerBasis := Matrix => o -> G -> map(ring G, rawsort rawGBSyzygies G.RawComputation)