In this tutorial, we describe how to work with modules in Macaulay2.
First, let's define a ring.
Use standard notation for cokernels, images and kernels (coker, cokernel, image, ker, kernel).
Given a module, one can find its presentation matrix.
To define a submodule $IN$ of a module $N$, where $I$ is an ideal, use
In order to define a submodule of N generated by some elements of N, one way is the following.
To understand what Macaulay2 is doing here, let's break this down. N_{i} defines a matrix $R^1 \to N$, which maps 1 to the i th generator of N. (See Section XX below for more information about module homomorphisms).
One could use a*N_{1}, but it turns out that a ** N_{1} works better:
Next, remember that the vertical bar concatenates matrices.
Now take the image of this matrix
The main advantage for using ** rather than * is that ** preservers homogeneity if possible.
Quotients are defined using standard mathematical notation.
Notice that this returns a subquotient module. We treat these later. Ideals and modules are treated differently in Macaulay2 (and in commutative algebra in general). For example, asking for the dimension of an ideal I in a ring R gives the dimension of the quotient R/I, but the dimension of the module I gives a potentially very different answer. Use ideal and module to move between the two.
Create a free resolution of an ideal (or module) using res.
View the differential
The (graded) betti numbers
Use help (betti,GradedModule) for a detailed description of what this display means. Basically, it says that I has three generators of degree 2, one syzygy of degree 3, 2 syzygies of degree 4, and one second syzygy of degree 5. The free resolution of a module that is not a cokernel:
Here is a problem to experiment with. What different betti diagrams are possible with an ideal generated by 3 homogeneous quadric polynomials, in a polynomial ring in any number of variables? Here is one to get you started.
After that, try ideals generated by 4 quadrics.
Recall that the module N/N0 above displayed as something called a subquotient module. As Macaulay2 often returns such objects, it is useful to understand and be able to manipulate them. P The most common modules are quotients of free modules, or submodules of free modules. A useful generalization, which covers both of these types, are subquotients: submodules of quotients of free modules. P A subquotient module is determined by two matrices $f : R^m \to R^n$ and $g : R^p \to R^n$. The subquotient module with generators f, relations g is by definition the module M = (image f) + (image g) / (image g). Thus, if f is the identity map, M = coker g, and if g = 0, then M = image f.
The two matrices f and g mentioned above are recovered using the routines: generators, relations.
It is often necessary to find a presentation matrix for such modules.
Often the given representation of a module is not very efficient. Use trim to keep the module as a subquotient of the same ambient free module, but change the generators and relations to be minimal, or in the nonlocal or non-graded case, at least more efficient.
Use minimalPresentation to also allow the ambient free module to be improved. This returns a quotient of a free module, but in the future might not do that.
prune is a synonym for minimalPresentation N
Given a subquotient module N, there are several useful modules associated to N. The free module of which N is a subquotient is obtained using ambient.
This is the same as the target of either the generator or relation matrix.
N is a submodule of a quotient module $R^n/image(g)$. The routine super returns this quotient module
This is the same as
The cover of N is basically the source of the matrix of generators.
A homomorphism $f : M \to N$ is represented as a matrix from the generators of M to the generators of N.
One homomorphism $F : M \to A$ is $x \mapsto y, y \mapsto x^2$ (multiplication by y/x) We write this as:
Notice that as is usual in Macaulay2, the target comes before the source.
The image of F lies in the submodule M of $A^1$. To obtain the map $M \to M$, we use //. But first we need the inclusion map of M into $A^1$: Later we explain this, but for now, we just write down this map:
Now we use // to lift $F : M \to A$ along $M \to A^1$, to get $M \to M$:
G is now a map from $M \to M$.
Let's start with a module M, and a submodule N.
If two modules have the same ambient free module, then there is often a canonical map between them. Some modules having the same ambient free module:
If two modules M and N have the same ambient module $R^n$, then inducedMap(M,N) makes the canonical map $N \to M$ between them, if one exists. If a map doesn't exist, the returned map might not be a homomorphism.
The projection map $M \to M/N$
The projection map $N \to M/N$, which is the zero map
Not all such maps can be defined. The functions 'inducedMap' normally checks that the result is a well-defined homomorphism. The option 'Verify' controls that behavior.
Before doing interesting homomorphisms, let's see how to write down some canonical homomorphisms associated to M. exercises: 1. isomorphism theorems. Given submodules M and N of a module P, (a) find $(M+N)/M$ (b) find $N/(M \cap N)$ (c) find in Macaulay2, an isomorphism between them.
2. Given a homomorphism $M \to A$. Suppose that the image lies in M (M is a submodule of $A^1$). Find the map $M \to M$.
The elements of H correspond to homomorphisms $M \to A$. The homomorphism associated to elements of H may be obtained using the routine homomorphism.
In Macaulay2, ** denotes the tensor product operator.
Notice that tensor products of matrices and of modules are very different.
Macaulay2 renames variables whose names collide. Alternatively, one can give the variables as an option to tensor.