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Packages » NCAlgebra :: NCRingMap _ ZZ
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NCRingMap _ ZZ -- Matrix of one homogeneous component of an NCRingMap



This method returns the homogeneous degree n component of the ring map f. The output is the matrix (over the coefficient ring of the target) of the component map relative to the monomial bases for the source and target.

i1 : A = skewPolynomialRing(QQ,(-1)_QQ,{w,x,y,z})
--Calling Bergman for NCGB calculation.

o1 = A

o1 : NCQuotientRing
i2 : setWeights(A,{1,1,2,2})

o2 = A

o2 : NCQuotientRing
i3 : f = ncMap(A,A,{x,w,z,y})

o3 = NCRingMap A <--- A

o3 : NCRingMap
i4 : basis(1,A)

o4 = | w x |

o4 : NCMatrix
i5 : f_1

o5 = | 0 1 |
     | 1 0 |

              2       2
o5 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ
i6 : basis(2,A)

o6 = | y z w^2 w*x x^2 |

o6 : NCMatrix
i7 : f_2

o7 = | 0 1 0 0  0 |
     | 1 0 0 0  0 |
     | 0 0 0 0  1 |
     | 0 0 0 -1 0 |
     | 0 0 1 0  0 |

              5       5
o7 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ

Ways to use this method: