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RRi -- the class of all real intervals


A real interval is entered as a pair of real numbers to the interval function. It is stored internally as an arbitrary precision interval using the MPFI library.
i1 : interval(3.1415,3.1416)

o1 = [3.1415,3.1416]

o1 : RRi (of precision 53)
The precision is measured in bits, is visible in the ring displayed on the second of each pair of output lines, and can be recovered using precision.
i2 : precision interval(3.1415,3.1416)

o2 = 53
For real intervals, the functions class and ring yield different results. That allows numbers of various precisions to be used without creating a new ring for each precision.
i3 : class interval(3.1,3.5)

o3 = RRi

o3 : InexactFieldFamily
i4 : ring interval(3.1,3.5)

o4 = RRi

o4 : RealIntervalField
The precision can be specified on input by specifying the precision of both input RR numbers.Alternatively, the precision can be specified by including the option Precision.
i5 : interval(2.5p100,3.2p1000)

o5 = [2.5,3.2]

o5 : RRi (of precision 100)
i6 : interval(2.5,3.2,Precision=>200)

o6 = [2.5,3.20000000000000017763568394002504646778106689453125]

o6 : RRi (of precision 200)
Intervals can also be created using span(Sequence) to create the smallest interval containing the inputs.
i7 : span(2,Precision=>100)

o7 = [2,2]

o7 : RRi (of precision 100)
i8 : span(2,3,interval(-1.5,-0.5),73)

o8 = [-1.5,73]

o8 : RRi (of precision 53)
Operations using intervals are computed as sets so that the resulting intervals contain all possible outputs from pairs of points in input intervals.
i9 : interval(1,3)+interval(2,4)

o9 = [3,7]

o9 : RRi (of precision 53)
i10 : interval(-1,1)*interval(2,3)

o10 = [-3,3]

o10 : RRi (of precision 53)
i11 : interval(0,1)-interval(0,1)

o11 = [-1,1]

o11 : RRi (of precision 53)
i12 : interval(1,2)/interval(1,2)

o12 = [.5,2]

o12 : RRi (of precision 53)
The notion of equality tested by == amounts to checking the equality of the endpoints of intervals.The notion of equality tested by === takes into account the precision of the inputs as well.
i13 : interval(1,3) == interval(1,3,Precision=>100)

o13 = true
i14 : interval(1,3) === interval(1,3,Precision=>100)

o14 = false
i15 : interval(1/3,1,Precision=>100)==interval(1/3,1,Precision=>1000)

o15 = false
The notion of inequalities for intervals amounts to testing the inequality for all points in the intervals. In particular, <= is not the same as < or ==.
i16 : interval(1,2)<=interval(2,3)

o16 = true
i17 : interval(1,2)<=interval(1,2)

o17 = false
i18 : interval(1,2)<interval(2,3)

o18 = false
i19 : interval(1,2)<interval(3,4)

o19 = true
Transcendental functions on intervals produce intervals containing the image of the function on the interval.
i20 : exp(interval(2,4))

o20 = [7.38905609893065,54.5981500331442]

o20 : RRi (of precision 53)
i21 : cos(interval(1,1.3))

o21 = [.267498828624587,.54030230586814]

o21 : RRi (of precision 53)
i22 : sqrt(interval(2))

o22 = [1.41421356237309,1.4142135623731]

o22 : RRi (of precision 53)
Transcendental functions are available to high precision, with numericInterval.
i23 : numericInterval(100,pi)

o23 = [3.14159265358979323846264338328,3.14159265358979323846264338328]

o23 : RRi (of precision 100)
i24 : numericInterval_200 EulerConstant

o24 = [.577215664901532860606512090082402431042159335939923598805767

o24 : RRi (of precision 200)

See also

Functions and methods returning a real interval :

Methods that use a real interval :

For the programmer

The object RRi is an inexact field family, with ancestor classes InexactNumber < Number < Thing.