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augmented assignment

Most binary operators have an associated augmented assignment operator that modifies the given object using the corresponding binary operator. Essentially, x OP= y is equivalent to x = x OP y.

i1 : x = 2

o1 = 2
i2 : x += 3

o2 = 5
i3 : x -= 4

o3 = 1
i4 : x *= 5

o4 = 5
i5 : x /= 6

o5 = -

o5 : QQ

The following augmented assignment operators are supported.

i6 : importFrom(Core, "augmentedAssignmentOperators");
i7 : augmentedAssignmentOperators

o7 = (<<=, >>=, ||=, <==>=, |-=, ??=, ==>=, ===>=, |=, ^^=, &=, ..=, ..<=,
     -=, +=, ++=, **=, *=, \\=, /=, \=, %=, //=, @=, @@=, |_=, ^=, _=, ^**=)

o7 : Sequence

See also