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content -- the content of a polynomial



The content is the ideal in the base ring generated by the coefficients.

i1 : R = ZZ[x,y]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : content(4*x + 6*x^5)

o2 = ideal (6, 4)

o2 : Ideal of ZZ
i3 : content(4*x + 6*x^5, x)

o3 = ideal (6, 4)

o3 : Ideal of R
i4 : content(4*x + 6*x^5, y)

o4 = ideal(6x  + 4x)

o4 : Ideal of R
i5 : generator oo

o5 = 6x  + 4x

o5 : R


../../../../../Macaulay2/m2/matrix1.m2:658:37-658:65: --source code:
content(RingElement) := Ideal => (f) -> ideal \\ last \ listForm f
../../../../../Macaulay2/m2/matrix1.m2:659:52-659:96: --source code:
content(RingElement, RingElement) := Ideal => (f,x) -> ideal last coefficients(f, Variables => {x})

See also

Ways to use content :

For the programmer

The object content is a method function.