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Packages » WhitneyStratifications :: WhitneyStratifications
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WhitneyStratifications -- Computes Whitney Statifications of complex varieties.


This package computes Whitney stratifications of complex algebraic varieties using algorithms described in [1]. Homogeneous ideals will be treated as defining a projective variety, non-homogeneous ideals will be treated as defining affine varieties. Input ideals are assumed to define pure dimensional varieties.


[1] Martin Helmer and Vidit Nanda. "Cornormal Spaces and Whitney Stratifications", Foundations of Computational Mathematics, DOI: 10.1007/s10208-022-09574-8.



This documentation describes version 1.2 of WhitneyStratifications.

Source code

The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file WhitneyStratifications.m2.


  • Functions and commands
    • conormal -- Computes the conormal variety
    • conormalRing (missing documentation)
    • whitneyStratify -- Computes a Whitney stratification of the complex variety in affine or projective space.
  • Methods
    • "conormal(Ideal)" -- see conormal -- Computes the conormal variety
    • "whitneyStratify(Ideal)" -- see whitneyStratify -- Computes a Whitney stratification of the complex variety in affine or projective space.

For the programmer

The object WhitneyStratifications is a package.