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conductor -- the conductor of a finite ring map



Suppose that the ring map $F : R \rightarrow S$ is finite: i.e. $S$ is a finitely generated $R$-module. The conductor of $F$ is defined to be $\{ g \in R \mid g S \subset F(R) \}$. One way to think about this is that the conductor is the set of universal denominators of S over R, or as the largest ideal of R which is also an ideal in S. An important case is the conductor of the map from a ring to its integral closure.

i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z]/ideal(x^7-z^7-y^2*z^5);
i2 : icFractions R

       3   2
      x   x
o2 = {--, --, x, y, z}
       2   z

o2 : List
i3 : F = icMap R

                                                    QQ[w   , w   , x..z]
                                                        5,0   4,0
o3 = map (--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, R, {x, y, z})
                    2                          2     2       2     3   2            2      2   3          2    2
          (w   z - x , w   z - w   x, w   x - w   , w   x - y z - z , w   w    - x*y  - x*z , w    - w   y  - x z)
            4,0         5,0     4,0    5,0     4,0   5,0               5,0 4,0                 5,0    4,0

                                                       QQ[w   , w   , x..z]
                                                           5,0   4,0
o3 : RingMap -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <--- R
                       2                          2     2       2     3   2            2      2   3          2    2
             (w   z - x , w   z - w   x, w   x - w   , w   x - y z - z , w   w    - x*y  - x*z , w    - w   y  - x z)
               4,0         5,0     4,0    5,0     4,0   5,0               5,0 4,0                 5,0    4,0
i4 : conductor F

             4     3   2 2   4    5
o4 = ideal (z , x*z , x z , x z, x )

o4 : Ideal of R

If an affine domain (a ring finitely generated over a field) is given as input, then the conductor of $R$ in its integral closure is returned.

i5 : conductor R

             4     3   2 2   4    5
o5 = ideal (z , x*z , x z , x z, x )

o5 : Ideal of R

If the map is not icFractions(R), then pushForward is called to compute the conductor.


Currently this function only works if F comes from a integral closure computation, or is homogeneous

See also

Ways to use conductor :

For the programmer

The object conductor is a method function.