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code -- display source code



  • Usage:
    code f
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • a net, the source code of the function or commandf
i1 : code listUserSymbols

o1 = ../../../../../Macaulay2/m2/debugging.m2:199:33-199:60: --source code:
     listUserSymbols = Command ( type -> listSymbols userSymbols type )


  • Usage:
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • a net, the source code of method for applying f to an argument of type X
i2 : code(res,Ideal)

o2 = -- code for method: resolution(Ideal)
     ../../../../../Macaulay2/m2/res.m2:309:41-311:51: --source code:
     resolution Ideal := ChainComplex => opts -> I -> resolution(
         if I.cache.?quotient then I.cache.quotient
         else I.cache.quotient = cokernel generators I, opts)


  • Usage:
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • a net, the source code of method for applying f to arguments of type X and Y
i3 : code(symbol :, Ideal, Ideal)

o3 = -- code for method: Ideal : Ideal
     ../../../../../Macaulay2/packages/Saturation.m2:149:58-149:73: --source
     Ideal  : Ideal                := Ideal  =>         (I, J) -> quotient(I, J)


  • Usage:
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • a net, the source code of method for applying f to arguments of type X, Y, and Z


  • Usage:
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • a net, the source code of method for applying f to arguments of type X, Y, Z, and T


  • Usage:
    code {v,w,...}
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • a net, the source code of the functions or commandsv,w,.... Such a list can be obtained, for example, with methods.
i4 : code methods use

o4 = -- code for method: use(Monoid)
     ../../../../../Macaulay2/m2/monoids.m2:190:23-190:54: --source code:
     use        Monoid := M ->(if M.?use     then M.use M; M)
     -- code for method: use(Package)
     ../../../../../Macaulay2/m2/packages.m2:541:19-546:38: --source code:
     use Package := pkg -> (
         scan(nonnull pkg.Options.PackageExports, needsPackage);
         loadedPackages = prepend(pkg,            delete(pkg,            loadedPackages));
         dictionaryPath = prepend(pkg.Dictionary, delete(pkg.Dictionary, dictionaryPath));
         if pkg.?use then pkg.use pkg else pkg)
     -- code for method: use(Ring)
     ../../../../../Macaulay2/m2/enginering.m2:346:14-351:5: --source code:
     use Ring := R -> (
          if R.?ring then use R.ring;                            -- I'm not sure what this is for.  Which rings have this key?
          generators R;
          if R.?generators and R.?generatorSymbols then scan(R.generatorSymbols,R.generators,(sym,val) -> sym <- val);
          if R.?use then R.use R;
     -- code for method: use(Thing)
     function identity: source code not available

See also

Ways to use code :

For the programmer

The object code is a method function with a single argument.