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copyright -- a string containing the copyright notice for Macaulay2


i1 : copyright

o1 = Macaulay2, version 1.22
     Copyright 2019 Daniel R. Grayson and Michael E. Stillman:
       source code licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or 3;
       this binary code licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
     For Macaulay2 packages, see their source code for licensing terms.
     Compiled with the following libraries:
       GC 8.0.6, by H. Boehm and Alan J. Demers
       Singular-Factory 4.2.1, by G.-M. Greuel et al.
       Frobby 0.9.5, by B. H. Roune
       NTL 11.5.1, by V. Shoup
       FLINT 2.8.0, by W. Hart et al.
       GNU MP 6.2.1, by T. Granlund et al.
       Boost 1_74, by the Boost community
       FFLAS-FFPACK 2.5.0, by the LinBox Team
       MPFR 4.1.0, by Free Software Foundation
       BLAS and LAPACK 3.10.0, by J. Dongarra et al.
       MPSolve 3.2.1, by D. Bini et al.
       Eigen 3.4.0, by B. Jacob et al.
       TBB 2021.5, by Intel
       Memtailor 1.0, by B. Roune
       Mathic 1.0, by B. Roune and M. Stillman
       MathicGB 1.0, by B. Roune and M. Stillman
     For licenses see /usr/local/libexec/Macaulay2/program-licenses/

For the programmer

The object copyright is a string.