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endPackage -- end a new package



A package writer need not call this function explicitly, since the end of file hook for the file containing the newPackage command that opened the package will call endPackage.

i1 : newPackage "Foo"

o1 = Foo

o1 : Package
i2 : export "abc"

o2 = {abc}

o2 : List
i3 : abc = 3

o3 = 3
i4 : dictionaryPath

o4 = {Foo#"private dictionary", Foo.Dictionary, Core.Dictionary,
     OutputDictionary, PackageDictionary}

o4 : List
i5 : endPackage "Foo"

o5 = Foo

o5 : Package
i6 : peek oo

o6 = Package{configuration file name => null                                      }
             Dictionary => Foo.Dictionary
             example data files => MutableHashTable{}
             example inputs => MutableHashTable{}
             example results => MutableHashTable{}
             exported mutable symbols => {}
             exported symbols => {abc}
             loadDepth => 3
             Options => OptionTable{Authors => {}                               }
                                    AuxiliaryFiles => false
                                    CacheExampleOutput => null
                                    Certification => null
                                    Configuration => {}
                                    Date => null
                                    DebuggingMode => false
                                    Headline => null
                                    HomePage => null
                                    InfoDirSection => Macaulay2 and its packages
                                    Keywords => {Uncategorized}
                                    OptionalComponentsPresent => true
                                    PackageExports => {}
                                    PackageImports => {}
                                    Reload => false
                                    UseCachedExampleOutput => false
                                    Version => 0.0
             package prefix => /usr/local/
             PackageIsLoaded => true
             pkgname => Foo
             private dictionary => Foo#"private dictionary"
             processed documentation => MutableHashTable{}
             raw documentation => MutableHashTable{}
             source directory => /tmp/M2-24474-0/88-rundir/
             source file => stdio
             test inputs => MutableHashTable{}
             test number => 0
             undocumented keys => MutableHashTable{}
i7 : dictionaryPath

o7 = {Foo.Dictionary, Isomorphism.Dictionary, OnlineLookup.Dictionary,
     SimpleDoc.Dictionary, InverseSystems.Dictionary,
     ConwayPolynomials.Dictionary, ReesAlgebra.Dictionary,
     TangentCone.Dictionary, Classic.Dictionary, Saturation.Dictionary,
     Elimination.Dictionary, MinimalPrimes.Dictionary,
     PrimaryDecomposition.Dictionary, IntegralClosure.Dictionary,
     LLLBases.Dictionary, User#"private dictionary", User.Dictionary,
     Core.Dictionary, OutputDictionary, PackageDictionary}

o7 : List
i8 : abc

o8 = 3

This function is called automatically at the end of a file, so package authors don't need to explicitly call endPackage.

Ways to use endPackage :

For the programmer

The object endPackage is a method function.