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monoid -- make or retrieve a monoid



The function monoid is called whenever a polynomial ring is created, see Ring Array, or when a local polynomial ring is made, see Ring List. Some of the options provided when making a monoid don't take effect until the monoid is made into a polynomial ring.

Let's make a free ordered commutative monoid on the variables a,b,c, with degrees 2, 3, and 4, respectively.

i1 : M = monoid[a,b,c, Degrees => {2,3,4}]

o1 = M

o1 : GeneralOrderedMonoid
i2 : degrees M

o2 = {{2}, {3}, {4}}

o2 : List
i3 : M_0 * M_1^6

o3 = a*b

o3 : M

Call use to assign the variables their values in the monoid.

i4 : monoid[x,y,z]

o4 = monoid[x..z, Degrees => {3:1}, Heft => {1}]

o4 : GeneralOrderedMonoid
i5 : x

o5 = x

o5 : Symbol
i6 : use ooo

o6 = monoid[x..z, Degrees => {3:1}, Heft => {1}]

o6 : GeneralOrderedMonoid
i7 : x * y^6

o7 = x*y

o7 : monoid[x..z, Degrees => {3:1}, Heft => {1}]

The options used when the monoid was created can be recovered with options.

i8 : options M

o8 = OptionTable{Constants => false                     }
                 DegreeGroup => ZZ
                 DegreeLift => null
                 DegreeMap => null
                 DegreeRank => 1
                 Degrees => {{2}, {3}, {4}}
                 Global => true
                 Heft => {1}
                 Inverses => false
                 Join => null
                 Local => false
                 MonomialOrder => {MonomialSize => 32  }
                                  {GRevLex => {2, 3, 4}}
                                  {Position => Up      }
                 SkewCommutative => {}
                 Variables => {a, b, c}
                 WeylAlgebra => {}

o8 : OptionTable
i9 : describe M

o9 = monoid[a..c, Degrees => {2..4}, Heft => {1}, MonomialOrder => {MonomialSize => 32}]
                                                                   {GRevLex => {2..4} }
                                                                   {Position => Up    }
i10 : toExternalString M

o10 = monoid[a..c, Degrees => {2..4}, Heft => {1}, MonomialOrder =>
      VerticalList{MonomialSize => 32, GRevLex => {2..4}, Position => Up}]

The variables listed may be symbols or indexed variables. The values assigned to these variables are the corresponding monoid generators. The function baseName may be used to recover the original symbol or indexed variable.

The monoid(...,Heft=>...) option is used, for instance, by Ext(Module,Module).

i11 : R = ZZ[x,y, Degrees => {-1,-2}, Heft => {-1}]

o11 = R

o11 : PolynomialRing
i12 : degree \ gens R

o12 = {{-1}, {-2}}

o12 : List
i13 : transpose vars R

o13 = {1} | x |
      {2} | y |

              2       1
o13 : Matrix R  <--- R

By default, (multi)degrees are concatenated when forming polynomial rings over polynomial rings, as can be seen by examining the corresponding flattened monoid, which displays information about all of the variables.

i14 : QQ[x][y]

o14 = QQ[x][y]

o14 : PolynomialRing
i15 : oo.FlatMonoid

o15 = monoid[y, x, Degrees => {{1}, {0}}, Heft => {2:1}, MonomialOrder => {MonomialSize => 32}]
                               {0}  {1}                                   {GRevLex => {1}    }
                                                                          {Position => Up    }
                                                                          {GRevLex => {1}    }

o15 : GeneralOrderedMonoid
i16 : QQ[x][y][z]

o16 = QQ[x][y][z]

o16 : PolynomialRing
i17 : oo.FlatMonoid

o17 = monoid[z, y, x, Degrees => {{1}, {0}, {0}}, Heft => {3:1}, MonomialOrder => {MonomialSize => 32}]
                                  {0}  {1}  {0}                                   {GRevLex => {1}    }
                                  {0}  {0}  {1}                                   {Position => Up    }
                                                                                  {2:(GRevLex => {1})}

o17 : GeneralOrderedMonoid

That behavior can be overridden with the monoid(...,Join=>...) option.

i18 : QQ[x][y, Join => false]

o18 = QQ[x][y]

o18 : PolynomialRing
i19 : oo.FlatMonoid

o19 = monoid[y, x, Degrees => {2:1}, Heft => {1}, Join => false, MonomialOrder => {MonomialSize => 32}]
                                                                                  {GRevLex => {1}    }
                                                                                  {Position => Up    }
                                                                                  {GRevLex => {1}    }

o19 : GeneralOrderedMonoid

Ways to use monoid :

For the programmer

The object monoid is a method function with a single argument.


Optional arguments