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polarize -- given a monomial ideal, computes the squarefree monomial ideal obtained via polarization



Polarization takes each minimal generator of a monomial ideal to a squarefree monomial in a new ring. The procedure is to define a new variable $z_{i,j}$ for the $j$th power of the $i$th variable in the original ring. For instance, polarizing the ideal $I=(x^3, y^2, xy)$, of the ring $\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$, results in the ideal $(z_{0,0}z_{0,1}z_{0,2}, z_{1,0}z_{1,1}, z_{0,0}z_{1,0})$ of $\mathbb{Q}[z_{0,0},z_{0,1},z_{0,2},z_{1,0},z_{1,1}]$.

This is code adapted from the Monomial Ideals chapter, written by Greg Smith and Serkan Hosten, of Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2. See for the chapter PDF, and for more information on this book.

i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z];
i2 : I = monomialIdeal(x^2,y^3,x*y^2*z,y*z^4);

o2 : MonomialIdeal of R
i3 : J = polarize(I)

o3 = monomialIdeal (z      z      , z      z      z      , z      z      z   
                     {0, 0} {0, 1}   {1, 0} {1, 1} {1, 2}   {0, 0} {1, 0} {1,
       z      , z      z      z      z      z      )
     1} {2, 0}   {1, 0} {2, 0} {2, 1} {2, 2} {2, 3}

o3 : MonomialIdeal of QQ[z      , z      , z      , z      , z      , z      , z      , z      , z      ]
                          {0, 0}   {0, 1}   {1, 0}   {1, 1}   {1, 2}   {2, 0}   {2, 1}   {2, 2}   {2, 3}

By default, the variables in the new rings are named $z_{i,j}$. To use a different letter (or longer string) instead of z, use the VariableBaseName option.

i4 : R = QQ[a,b,c];
i5 : I = monomialIdeal(a^2*b^2,b^2*c^2,a*b*c^4);

o5 : MonomialIdeal of R
i6 : J = polarize(I, VariableBaseName => "x")

o6 = monomialIdeal (x      x      x      x      , x      x      x      x   
                     {0, 0} {0, 1} {1, 0} {1, 1}   {1, 0} {1, 1} {2, 0} {2,
       , x      x      x      x      x      x      )
     1}   {0, 0} {1, 0} {2, 0} {2, 1} {2, 2} {2, 3}

o6 : MonomialIdeal of QQ[x      , x      , x      , x      , x      , x      , x      , x      ]
                          {0, 0}   {0, 1}   {1, 0}   {1, 1}   {2, 0}   {2, 1}   {2, 2}   {2, 3}
i7 : J = polarize(I, VariableBaseName => "foo")

o7 = monomialIdeal (foo      foo      foo      foo      , foo      foo   
                       {0, 0}   {0, 1}   {1, 0}   {1, 1}     {1, 0}   {1,
       foo      foo      , foo      foo      foo      foo      foo   
     1}   {2, 0}   {2, 1}     {0, 0}   {1, 0}   {2, 0}   {2, 1}   {2,
       foo      )
     2}   {2, 3}

o7 : MonomialIdeal of QQ[foo      , foo      , foo      , foo      , foo      , foo      , foo      , foo      ]
                            {0, 0}     {0, 1}     {1, 0}     {1, 1}     {2, 0}     {2, 1}     {2, 2}     {2, 3}

Variables are always indexed from 0. To use an unindexed variable naming scheme, the polarized ideal can always be mapped to a new ring after it is created. The following code is one way to do this.

i8 : S = ring J;
i9 : T = QQ[a..h];
i10 : F = map(T, S, first entries vars T);

o10 : RingMap T <--- S
i11 : F(J)

o11 = ideal (a*b*c*d, c*d*e*f, a*c*e*f*g*h)

o11 : Ideal of T

See also

Ways to use polarize :

For the programmer

The object polarize is a method function with options.