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readPackage -- read the package preamble



The file PackageName.m2 should be on the load path and should contain a package named PackageName. This function is mostly used for getting information about a package quickly and without processing the entire package.

i1 : opts = readPackage "NormalToricVarieties"

o1 = OptionTable{Authors => {{Name => Gregory G. Smith, Email => [email protected], HomePage =>}}}
                 AuxiliaryFiles => true
                 CacheExampleOutput => null
                 Certification => null
                 Configuration => {}
                 Date => 31 May 2020
                 DebuggingMode => false
                 Headline => routines for working with normal toric varieties and related objects
                 HomePage => null
                 InfoDirSection => Macaulay2 and its packages
                 Keywords => {Toric Geometry}
                 OptionalComponentsPresent => null
                 PackageExports => {Polyhedra, Schubert2}
                 PackageImports => {FourierMotzkin, Normaliz, LLLBases}
                 Reload => false
                 UseCachedExampleOutput => null
                 Version => 1.9

o1 : OptionTable
i2 : "1.9" <= opts.Version

o2 = true

See also

Ways to use readPackage :

For the programmer

The object readPackage is a method function with options.