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Packages » Macaulay2Doc :: undocumented
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undocumented -- declare that something need not be documented



i1 : f = method()

o1 = f

o1 : MethodFunction
i2 : f List := x -> 1

o2 = -*Function[currentString:2:12-2:15]*-

o2 : FunctionClosure
i3 : f VisibleList := x -> 2

o3 = -*Function[currentString:3:19-3:22]*-

o3 : FunctionClosure
i4 : f BasicList := x -> 3

o4 = -*Function[currentString:4:17-4:20]*-

o4 : FunctionClosure
i5 : undocumented { f, (f,List) }

See also

Ways to use undocumented :

For the programmer

The object undocumented is a method function with a single argument.