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version -- information about this version of the program



The values stored in this hash table depend on the source code version the architecture for which the program was compiled, and the libraries (both static and dynamic) against which the program is linked.
i1 : version

o1 = HashTable{"architecture" => x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      }
               "atomic_ops version" => 7.6.12
               "boost version" => 1_74
               "build" => x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
               "compile node name" => urtha
               "compile time" => Sep 28 2023, 00:41:00
               "compiler" => gcc 11.4.0
               "configure arguments" =>  '--with-system-gc' '--with-system-memtailor' '--with-system-mathic' '--with-system-mathicgb' '--with-python'
               "eigen version" => 3.4.0
               "endianness" => dcba
               "executable extension" => 
               "factory version" => 4.2.1
               "fflas_ffpack version" => 2.5.0
               "flint version" => 2.8.0
               "frobby version" => 0.9.5
               "gc version" => 8.0.6
               "gdbm version" => GDBM version 1.23. 04/02/2022
               "git description" => version-1.22-6-46e846898-dirty
               "gmp version" => 6.2.1
               "host" => x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
               "issue" => Ubuntu-22.04
               "lapack version" => 3.10.0
               "libffi version" => 3.4.2
               "M2 name" => M2
               "M2 suffix" => 
               "machine" => x86_64-Linux-Ubuntu-22.04
               "mathic version" => 1.0
               "mathicgb version" => 1.0
               "memtailor version" => 1.0
               "mpfi version" => 1.5.3
               "mpfr version" => 4.1.0
               "mpir version" => not present
               "mpsolve version" => 3.2.1
               "mysql version" => not present
               "ntl version" => 11.5.1
               "operating system release" => 6.2.0-33-generic
               "operating system" => Linux
               "packages" => Style FirstPackage Macaulay2Doc Parsing Classic Browse Benchmark Text SimpleDoc PackageTemplate Saturation PrimaryDecomposition FourierMotzkin Dmodules HolonomicSystems BernsteinSato Depth Elimination GenericInitialIdeal IntegralClosure HyperplaneArrangements LexIdeals Markov NoetherNormalization Points ReesAlgebra Regularity SchurRings SymmetricPolynomials SchurFunctors SimplicialComplexes LLLBases TangentCone ChainComplexExtras Schubert2 PushForward LocalRings PruneComplex BoijSoederberg BGG Bruns InvolutiveBases ConwayPolynomials EdgeIdeals FourTiTwo StatePolytope Polyhedra Truncations Polymake gfanInterface PieriMaps Normaliz Posets XML OpenMath SCSCP RationalPoints MapleInterface ConvexInterface SRdeformations NumericalAlgebraicGeometry BeginningMacaulay2 FormalGroupLaws Graphics WeylGroups HodgeIntegrals Cyclotomic Binomials Kronecker Nauty ToricVectorBundles ModuleDeformations PHCpack SimplicialDecomposability BooleanGB AdjointIdeal Parametrization Serialization NAGtypes NormalToricVarieties DGAlgebras Graphs GraphicalModels BIBasis KustinMiller Units NautyGraphs VersalDeformations CharacteristicClasses RandomIdeals RandomObjects RandomPlaneCurves RandomSpaceCurves RandomGenus14Curves RandomCanonicalCurves RandomCurves TensorComplexes MonomialAlgebras QthPower EliminationMatrices EllipticIntegrals Triplets CompleteIntersectionResolutions EagonResolution MCMApproximations MultiplierIdeals InvariantRing QuillenSuslin EnumerationCurves Book3264Examples Divisor EllipticCurves HighestWeights MinimalPrimes Bertini TorAlgebra Permanents BinomialEdgeIdeals TateOnProducts LatticePolytopes FiniteFittingIdeals HigherCIOperators LieTypes ConformalBlocks M0nbar AnalyzeSheafOnP1 MultiplierIdealsDim2 RunExternalM2 NumericalSchubertCalculus ToricTopology Cremona Resultants VectorFields SLPexpressions Miura ResidualIntersections Visualize EquivariantGB ExampleSystems RationalMaps FastMinors RandomPoints SwitchingFields SpectralSequences SectionRing OldPolyhedra OldToricVectorBundles K3Carpets ChainComplexOperations NumericalCertification PhylogeneticTrees MonodromySolver ReactionNetworks PackageCitations NumericSolutions GradedLieAlgebras InverseSystems Pullback EngineTests SVDComplexes RandomComplexes CohomCalg Topcom Triangulations ReflexivePolytopesDB AbstractToricVarieties Licenses TestIdeals FrobeniusThresholds Seminormalization AlgebraicSplines TriangularSets Chordal Tropical SymbolicPowers Complexes GroebnerWalk RandomMonomialIdeals Matroids NumericalImplicitization NonminimalComplexes CoincidentRootLoci RelativeCanonicalResolution RandomCurvesOverVerySmallFiniteFields StronglyStableIdeals SLnEquivariantMatrices CorrespondenceScrolls NCAlgebra SpaceCurves ExteriorIdeals ToricInvariants SegreClasses SemidefiniteProgramming SumsOfSquares MultiGradedRationalMap AssociativeAlgebras VirtualResolutions Quasidegrees DiffAlg DeterminantalRepresentations FGLM SpechtModule SchurComplexes SimplicialPosets SlackIdeals PositivityToricBundles SparseResultants DecomposableSparseSystems MixedMultiplicity PencilsOfQuadrics ThreadedGB VectorGraphics GKMVarieties MonomialIntegerPrograms NoetherianOperators Hadamard StatGraphs GraphicalModelsMLE EigenSolver MultiplicitySequence ResolutionsOfStanleyReisnerRings NumericalLinearAlgebra ResLengthThree MonomialOrbits MultiprojectiveVarieties SpecialFanoFourfolds RationalPoints2 SuperLinearAlgebra SubalgebraBases AInfinity LinearTruncations ThinSincereQuivers Python BettiCharacters Jets FunctionFieldDesingularization HomotopyLieAlgebra TSpreadIdeals RealRoots ExteriorModules K3Surfaces GroebnerStrata QuaternaryQuartics CotangentSchubert OnlineLookup MergeTeX Probability Isomorphism CodingTheory WhitneyStratifications JSON ForeignFunctions GeometricDecomposability PseudomonomialPrimaryDecomposition PolyominoIdeals MatchingFields CellularResolutions SagbiGbDetection
               "pointer size" => 8
               "python version" => 3.10.12
               "readline version" => 8.1
               "scscp version" => not present
               "tbb version" => 2021.5
               "VERSION" => 1.22

o1 : HashTable

For the programmer

The object version is a hash table.