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= -- assignment


In this section we'll discuss simple assignment to variables, multiple assignment, assignment to parts of objects, assignment covered by various other methods, and briefly touch on the possibility of custom installation of assignment methods. See also the operator :=, which handles assignment and declaration of local variables and assignment of methods to operators, as well as the operator <-, which is an assignment operator that evaluates its left hand side and can have assignment methods installed for it by the user.

simple assignment

  • Usage:
    x = e
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • a thing, the value of the expression is e
  • Consequences:
    • e is assigned to x, so future references to the value of x yield e
    • if x is a global variable, then the global assignment hook for the class of e, if any, is run (see GlobalAssignHook), and the global assignment hook for the symbol itself (see globalAssignmentHooks), if any, is run.
i1 : x

o1 = x

o1 : Symbol
i2 : x = 4

o2 = 4
i3 : x

o3 = 4

Since the value of the entire expression is e, and since the operator = is right-associative (see precedence of operators), e can be easily assigned to more than one variable, as in the following example.

i4 : x = y = 44

o4 = 44
i5 : x

o5 = 44
i6 : y

o6 = 44

multiple assignment

  • Usage:
    (x,y,z,...) = (c,d,e,...)
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • the value of the expression is (c,d,e,...)
  • Consequences:
    • the expressions c,d,e,... are assigned to the variables x,y,z,..., respectively, as above. Global assignment hooks may be run, as above. The number of expressions must match the number of variables.

Multiple assignment makes it easy to switch the values of two variables, or to permute the values of several.

i7 : x = 444

o7 = 444
i8 : y = foo

o8 = foo

o8 : Symbol
i9 : (y,x) = (x,y)

o9 = (444, foo)

o9 : Sequence
i10 : x

o10 = foo

o10 : Symbol
i11 : y

o11 = 444

Multiple assignment enables functions to return multiple values usefully. See making functions with multiple return values.

i12 : f = i -> (i,i^2)

o12 = f

o12 : FunctionClosure
i13 : (x,y) = f 9

o13 = (9, 81)

o13 : Sequence
i14 : x

o14 = 9
i15 : y

o15 = 81

assignment to an element of a mutable list

  • Usage:
    x#i = e
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • the value of the expression is e
  • Consequences:
    • the i-th element of the list x is replaced by e, so that future references to the value of x#i yield e
i16 : x = new MutableList from a .. e

o16 = MutableList{...5...}

o16 : MutableList
i17 : peek x

o17 = MutableList{a, b, c, d, e}
i18 : x#3

o18 = d

o18 : Symbol
i19 : x#3 = "foo"

o19 = foo
i20 : x#3

o20 = foo
i21 : peek x

o21 = MutableList{a, b, c, foo, e}

assignment to an element of a mutable hash table

  • Usage:
    x#i = e
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • the value of the expression is e
  • Consequences:
    • e is stored in the hash table x under the key i, so that future references to the value of x#i yield e
    • future references to the value of x#?i will yield the value true, indicating that something has been stored in x under the key i. See #?.
i22 : x = new MutableHashTable from { "a" => 2, "b" => 3 }

o22 = MutableHashTable{...2...}

o22 : MutableHashTable
i23 : peek x

o23 = MutableHashTable{a => 2}
                       b => 3
i24 : x#?"foo"

o24 = false
i25 : x#"foo" = "bar"

o25 = bar
i26 : x#?"foo"

o26 = true
i27 : x#"foo"

o27 = bar
i28 : peek x

o28 = MutableHashTable{a => 2    }
                       b => 3
                       foo => bar

installing assignment methods for binary operators

  • Usage:
    X OP Y = (x,y,e) -> ...
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • the value of the expression is the same as the function on the right hand side
  • Consequences:
    • the function on the right hand side is installed as the method for assignment to X OP Y. See the next subsection below for using it
The first line of the following example illustrates the syntax above.
i29 : 
      String * String = peek;
i30 : "left" * "right" = "value"

o30 = ("left", "right", "value")
i31 : String * String = peek;

Warning: the installation of new methods may supplant old ones, changing the behavior of Macaulay2.

using assignment methods for binary operators

  • Usage:
    x OP y = e
  • Inputs:
    • x, an object of type X
    • OP, one of the binary operators for which users may install methods, listed above. The operator SPACE, indicating adjacency, may be omitted from the usage above.
    • y, an object of type Y
    • e, a thing
  • Outputs:
    • the previously installed method for assignment to X OP Y is called with arguments (x,y,e), and its return value is returned. If no such method has been installed, then Macaulay2 searches for a method for assignment to X' OP Y', where X' is an ancestor of X and Y' is an ancestor of Y (see inheritance for details).

The return value and the consequences depend on the code of the installed assignment method. References to currently installed assignment methods are given below.

The second line of the following example illustrates the syntax above.
i32 : "left" * "right" = "value"

o32 = ("left", "right", "value")
i33 : s

o33 = s

o33 : Symbol

assignment to indexed variables

  • Usage:
    x_i = e
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • e
  • Consequences:
    • The indexed variable xi is created (if necessary) and is assigned the value e so that future references to x_i yield the value e. Moreover, the value of the symbol x is set to an object of type IndexedVariableTable, which contains the values of the expressions x_i.

The method for assignment to indexed variables is pre-installed.

i34 : s_2

o34 = s

o34 : IndexedVariable
i35 : s_2 = 44

o35 = 44
i36 : s_2

o36 = 44
i37 : s_(i,j)

o37 = s

o37 : IndexedVariable
i38 : symbol s_2

o38 = s

o38 : IndexedVariable
i39 : value oo

o39 = 44
i40 : - String = peek;

installing assignment methods for unary prefix operators

  • Usage:
    OP X = (x,e) -> ...
  • Inputs:
  • Outputs:
    • the value of the expression is the same as the function on the right hand side
  • Consequences:
    • the function on the right hand side is installed as the method for assignment to OP X. See the next subsection below for using it.
The first line of the following example illustrates the syntax above.
i41 : - "foo" = "value"

o41 = ("foo", "value")
i42 : - String = peek;

Warning: the installation of new methods may supplant old ones, changing the behavior of Macaulay2.

using assignment methods for unary prefix operators

  • Usage:
    OP x = e
  • Inputs:
    • OP, one of the unary prefix operators for which users may install methods, listed above.
    • x, an object of type X
    • e, a thing
  • Outputs:
    • the previously installed method for assignment to OP X is called with arguments (x,e), and its return value is returned.

The return value and the consequences depend on the code of the installed assignment method. References to currently installed assignment methods are given below.

The second line of the following example illustrates the syntax above.
i43 : - "foo" = "value"

o43 = ("foo", "value")
i44 : String ~ = peek;

installing assignment methods for unary postfix operators

  • Usage:
    X OP = (x,e) -> ...
  • Inputs:
    • OP, one of the unary postfix operators for which users may install methods, namely: ! (*) ^* _* ~
    • X, a type
    • (x,e) -> ..., a function
  • Outputs:
    • the value of the expression is the same as the function on the right hand side
  • Consequences:
    • the function on the right hand side is installed as the method for assignment to OP X. See the next subsection below for using it.
The first line of the following example illustrates the syntax above.
i45 : "foo" ~ = "value"

o45 = ("foo", "value")
i46 : String ~ = peek;

Warning: the installation of new methods may supplant old ones, changing the behavior of Macaulay2.

using assignment methods for unary postfix operators

  • Usage:
    x OP = e
  • Inputs:
    • x, an object of type X
    • OP, one of the unary postfix operators for which users may install methods, listed above.
    • e, a thing
  • Outputs:
    • the previously installed method for assignment to X OP is called with arguments (x,e), and its return value is returned.

The return value and the consequences depend on the code of the installed assignment method. References to currently installed assignment methods are given below.

The second line of the following example illustrates the syntax above.
i47 : "foo" ~ = "value"

o47 = ("foo", "value")
i48 : 

See also

Ways to use symbol = :

For the programmer

The object = is a keyword.