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options(Command) -- get optional arguments and default values of functions and methods



The keys of the output are the names of the optional arguments accepted by the function f and the values are the corresponding default values; or true, if the function accepts arbitrary options and provides no default values.

i1 : options res

o1 = OptionTable{DegreeLimit => null           }
                 FastNonminimal => false
                 HardDegreeLimit => {}
                 LengthLimit => infinity
                 PairLimit => infinity
                 SortStrategy => 0
                 StopBeforeComputation => false
                 Strategy => null
                 SyzygyLimit => infinity

o1 : OptionTable
i2 : options codim
i3 : options(codim, Ideal)

o3 = OptionTable{Generic => false}

o3 : OptionTable
i4 : methods intersect

o4 = {0 => (intersect, Ideal)         }
     {1 => (intersect, Ideal, Ideal)  }
     {2 => (intersect, List)          }
     {3 => (intersect, Module)        }
     {4 => (intersect, Module, Module)}
     {5 => (intersect, RRi)           }
     {6 => (intersect, RRi, RRi)      }
     {7 => (intersect, Sequence)      }

o4 : NumberedVerticalList
i5 : options 0

o5 = OptionTable{MinimalGenerators => true}
                 Strategy => null

o5 : OptionTable

See also

Ways to use this method: