mR = aInfinity R
mX = aInfinity(mR, X)
Given an S-free resolution of R = S/I, set B = A_+[1] (so that B_m = A_(m-1) for m >= 2, B_i = 0 for i<2), and differentials have changed sign.
The A-infinity algebra structure is a sequence of degree -1 maps
mR#u: B_(u_1)**..**B_(u_t) -> B_(sum u -1), for sum u <= 2 + (pd_S R), and thus, since each u_i>= 2, for t <= 1 + (pd_S R)//2.
where u is a List of integers \geq 2, such that
mR#{v}: B_v -> B_(v-1) is the differential of B,
mR#{v_1,v_2} is the multiplication (which is a homotopy B**B \to B lifting the degree -2 map d**1 - 1**d: B_2**B_2 \to B_1 (which induces 0 in homology)
mR#u for n>2 is a homotopy for the negative of the sum of degree -2 maps of the form (+/-) mR(1**...** 1 ** mR ** 1 **..**), inserting m into each possible (consecutive) sub product, and i = 2...n-1. Here m_1 represents the differential both of B and of B^(**n).
Given mR, a similar description holds for the A-infinity module structure mX on the S-free resolution of an R-module X.
With the optional argument LengthLimit => n, only those A-infinity maps are constructed that would be used to compute the resolution of a module of projective dimension n-1.
Jesse Burke showed how to use mR,mX to make an R-free resolution
Jesse Burke, Higher Homotopies and Golod Rings. arXiv:1508.03782v2, October 2015.
Requires standard graded ring, module. Something to fix in a future version
The object aInfinity is a method function with options.