AlgebraicSplines -- a package for working with splines on simplicial complexes, polytopal complexes, and graphs
BaseRing -- compute matrix whose kernel is the module of $C^r$ splines on $\Delta$
ByFacets -- compute matrix whose kernel is the module of $C^r$ splines on $\Delta$
ByLinearForms -- compute matrix whose kernel is the module of $C^r$ splines on $\Delta$
cellularComplex -- create the cellular chain complex whose homologies are the singular homologies of the complex $\Delta$ relative to its boundary
cellularComplex(List) -- create the cellular chain complex whose homologies are the singular homologies of the complex $\Delta$ relative to its boundary
cellularComplex(List,List) -- create the cellular chain complex whose homologies are the singular homologies of the complex $\Delta$ relative to its boundary
courantFunctions -- returns the Courant functions of a simplicial complex
formsList -- list of powers of (affine) linear forms cutting out a specified list of codimension one faces.
formsList(List,List,ZZ) -- list of powers of (affine) linear forms cutting out a specified list of codimension one faces.
generalizedSplines -- the module of generalized splines associated to a simple graph with an edge labelling
generalizedSplines(List,List) -- the module of generalized splines associated to a simple graph with an edge labelling
GenVar -- given a sub-module of a free module (viewed as a ring with direct sum structure) which is also a sub-ring, creates a ring map whose image is the module with its ring structure
hilbertComparisonTable -- a table to compare the values of the hilbertFunction and hilbertPolynomial of a graded module
IdempotentVar -- given a sub-module of a free module (viewed as a ring with direct sum structure) which is also a sub-ring, creates a ring map whose image is the module with its ring structure
InputType -- compute matrix whose kernel is the module of $C^r$ splines on $\Delta$
postulationNumber -- computes the largest degree at which the Hilbert function of the graded module M is not equal to the hilbertPolynomial
postulationNumber(Module) -- computes the largest degree at which the Hilbert function of the graded module M is not equal to the hilbertPolynomial
ringStructure -- given a sub-module of a free module (viewed as a ring with direct sum structure) which is also a sub-ring, creates a ring map whose image is the module with its ring structure
ringStructure(Module) -- given a sub-module of a free module (viewed as a ring with direct sum structure) which is also a sub-ring, creates a ring map whose image is the module with its ring structure
RingType -- the module of generalized splines associated to a simple graph with an edge labelling
splineComplex -- creates the Billera-Schenck-Stillman chain complex
stanleyReisner -- Creates a ring map whose image is the ring of piecewise continuous polynomials on $\Delta$. If $\Delta$ is simplicial, the Stanley Reisner ring of $\Delta$ is returned.
stanleyReisner(List,List) -- Creates a ring map whose image is the ring of piecewise continuous polynomials on $\Delta$. If $\Delta$ is simplicial, the Stanley Reisner ring of $\Delta$ is returned.
stanleyReisnerPresentation -- creates a ring map whose image is the sub-ring of $C^0(\Delta)$ generated by $C^r(\Delta)$. If $\Delta$ is simplicial, $C^0(\Delta)$ is the Stanley Reisner ring of $\Delta$.
stanleyReisnerPresentation(List,List,ZZ) -- creates a ring map whose image is the sub-ring of $C^0(\Delta)$ generated by $C^r(\Delta)$. If $\Delta$ is simplicial, $C^0(\Delta)$ is the Stanley Reisner ring of $\Delta$.
Trim -- given a sub-module of a free module (viewed as a ring with direct sum structure) which is also a sub-ring, creates a ring map whose image is the module with its ring structure
VariableGens -- given a sub-module of a free module (viewed as a ring with direct sum structure) which is also a sub-ring, creates a ring map whose image is the module with its ring structure
VariableName -- compute matrix whose kernel is the module of $C^r$ splines on $\Delta$