Refer to Appendix E of SIAM Bertini book for full details and list of options.
MPType: Type of precision (0=double, 1=fixed higher, 2=adaptive).
PRECISION: Precision, in bits, when used MPType=1. Precision is capitalized here to not conflict with Precision.
ODEPredictor: Choice of predictor method (9 choices).
TrackTolBeforeEG: Before endgame zone, Newton error must be less than this for success.
TrackTolDuringEG: Same as previous, but during endgame.
FinalTol: Path is deemed successful if final two endpoint approximations agree to FinalTol.
MaxNorm: If SecurityLevel=0, path is truncated if two consecutive endpoint approximations exceed this value.
MinStepSizeBeforeEG: Path is truncated if stepsize drops below this level before endgame.
MinStepSizeDuringEG: Same as previous, but during endgame.
ImagThreshold: Endpoint deemed real if infinity norm is smaller than this.
CoeffBound: Useful only if MPType=2, bound on sum of coefficients of each polynomial.
DegreeBound: Useful only if MPType=2, bound on degree of each polynomial.
CondNumThreshold: Endpoint is deemed singular if multiple paths lead to it or condition number exceeds this.
RandomSeed: Useful to repeat runs with the same random numbers.
SingValZeroTol: Singular value is considered 0 if less than this value, when using fixed precision.
EndGameNum: Choice of endgame (1=power series, 2=Cauchy, 3=trackback Cauchy).
UseRegeneration: 1 to use regeneration for a zero-dimensional run.
SecurityLevel: 1 to avoid truncation of possibly-infinite paths.
ScreenOut: Level of output to the screen.
OutputLevel: Level of output to files.
StepsForIncrease: Number of consecutive Newton corrector successes before increase of stepsize.
MaxNewtonIts: Newton corrector step deemed failed if no convergence prior to this number of iterations.
MaxStepSize: Largest stepsize allowed.
MaxNumberSteps: Max number of steps for entire path. Path failure if number of steps exceeds this.
MaxCycleNum: Max cycle number considered during endgame.
RegenStartLevel: Level at which regeneration begins.
There are two recommended ways of using the optional arguments based on zero-dim solving and pos-dim solving.
(1) Specify individual parameters in a function call:
(2) Store your frequently used favorites in an OptionTable and pass it as the last argument in each function call: