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Packages » CellularResolutions :: boundaryMap(ZZ,CellComplex)
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boundaryMap(ZZ,CellComplex) -- compute the boundary map of a cell complex from r-faces to (r-1)-faces



This function returns the map in the chain complex from the r-th homological degree to the (r-1)-th homological degree.

For example, below we construct the Taylor complex for the monomial ideal $\langle x,y,z\rangle$

i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z];
i2 : vx = newSimplexCell({},x);
i3 : vy = newSimplexCell({},y);
i4 : vz = newSimplexCell({},z);
i5 : exy = newSimplexCell {vx,vy};
i6 : exz = newSimplexCell {vx,vz};
i7 : eyz = newSimplexCell {vy,vz};
i8 : f = newSimplexCell {exy,exz,eyz};
i9 : C = cellComplex(R,{f});
i10 : d1 = boundaryMap_1 C

o10 = {1} | y  0  z  |
      {1} | -x z  0  |
      {1} | 0  -y -x |

o10 : Matrix
i11 : d2 = boundaryMap_2 C

o11 = {2} | z  |
      {2} | x  |
      {2} | -y |

o11 : Matrix
i12 : assert(d1*d2==0)

See also

Ways to use this method: