K = koszulComplex f
Let $R$ be a commutative ring and let $E$ be a free $R$-module of finite rank $r$. Given a linear map $f \colon E \to R$, the Koszul complex associated to $f$ is the chain complex of $R$-modules
$\phantom{WWWW} 0 \leftarrow R \leftarrow \bigwedge^1 E \leftarrow \bigwedge^2 E \leftarrow \dotsb \leftarrow \bigwedge^r E \leftarrow 0, $
where the differential is given by
$\phantom{WWWW} dd_k(e_1 \wedge e_2 \wedge \dotsb \wedge e_k) = \sum_{i=1}^k (-1)^{i+1} f(e_i) \, e_1 \wedge e_2 \wedge \dotsb \wedge \widehat{e_i} \wedge \dotsb \wedge e_k, $
and the superscript hat means the term is omitted. For this method, the linear map $f$ is given as either a matrix with one row, or a list of ring elements.
To obtain natural subcomplexes, use the Concentration option.
The koszul complex can be constructed as an iterated tensor product. The maps are identical, except that the even indexed differentials have the opposite sign.