C = yonedaExtension f
The module $\operatorname{Ext}^d(M,N)$ corresponds to equivalence classes of extensions of $N$ by $M$. In particular, an element of this module is represented by an exact sequence of the form \[ 0 \leftarrow M \leftarrow F_0 \leftarrow F_1 \leftarrow \dots \leftarrow F_{d-2} \leftarrow P \leftarrow N \leftarrow 0 \] where $F_0 \leftarrow F_1 \leftarrow \dots$ is a free resolution of $M$, and $P$ is the pushout of the maps $g : F_d \rightarrow N$ and $F_d \rightarrow F_{d-1}$. The element corresponding to $f$ in $\operatorname{Ext}^d(M,N)$ lifts to the map $g$.
In our first example, the module $\operatorname{Ext}^1(M,R^1)$ has one generator, in degree 0. The middle term in the corresponding short exact sequence determines an irreducible rank 2 vector bundle on the elliptic curve, which can be verified by computing Fitting ideals.
For higher Ext modules, we get longer exact sequences. When the map $f$ has degree 0, the corresponding exact sequence is homogeneous.
The inverse operation is given by yonedaExtension'.