m = hankelMatrix(r,p,q)
m = hankelMatrix(R,x,p,q)
m = hankelMatrix(R,p,q)
m = hankelMatrix(p,q)
m = hankelMatrix(p,q,s)
A Hankel matrix (or catalecticant matrix) is a matrix with a repeated element on each anti-diagonal, that is m_(i,j) depends only on i+j. If the matrix r is given, then we set m_(i,j) = r_(0,i+j) if i+j<numcols r, and 0 otherwise. The degrees of the rows of m are set to 0, and the degrees of the columns are set to the degree of r_(0,0); thus the Hankel matrix is homogeneous iff all the entries of the first row of r have the same degree.
If no ring or matrix is given, hankelMatrix defines a new ring S with p+q-1 variables X_i, and then calls hankelMatrix(vars S, p,q).
The object hankelMatrix is a method function.