An algebra map between the underlying graded algebras that satisfies the Leibniz rule is a morphism of DG algebras. Such objects are created using the DGAlgebraMap class. As with DGAlgebras, one can define a DGAlgebraMap 'from scratch' using dgAlgebraMap.
Once we define the DGAlgebraMap, it is a good idea to check to see if it indeed satisfies the Leibniz rule. This can be checked by using isWellDefined.
Oops! Let's try that again.
One can lift a ring homomorphism in degree zero to a map of DGAlgebras (up to a specified degree) using liftToDGMap. This is helpful in some of the internal functions of the DGAlgebras package, such as computing the map induced on Tor algebras by a RingMap.
Once one has a DGAlgebraMap, one can also obtain the underlying map of complexes via toComplexMap.
There are also some auxiliary commands associated with DGAlgebraMaps
One can also obtain the map on homology induced by a DGAlgebra map.