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EigenSolver -- polynomial system solver via eigen-computations


This package implements a solver for zero-dimensional polynomial systems based on eigenvalue/eigenvector computations. The theoretical basis for this is Stickelberger's Theorem (cf. [1, Theorem 2.6], also [2]), which states that if I is a zero-dimensional ideal in a polynomial ring $R$ over an algebraically closed field $k$, then the points of V(I) can be obtained as eigenvalues of multiplication matrices corresponding to variables, on the finite-dimensional $k$-vector space $R/I$.

Since the main solving is done via linear algebra, this solver can be significantly quicker than other solvers performing nonlinear computations. However, a Grobner basis of the ideal I is still needed, e.g. in order to obtain the sizes of the multiplication matrices.

i1 : needsPackage "ExampleSystems"

o1 = ExampleSystems

o1 : Package
i2 : I = ideal cyclic(6, QQ)

o2 = ideal (a + b + c + d + e + f, a*b + b*c + c*d + d*e + a*f + e*f, a*b*c +
     b*c*d + c*d*e + a*b*f + a*e*f + d*e*f, a*b*c*d + b*c*d*e + a*b*c*f +
     a*b*e*f + a*d*e*f + c*d*e*f, a*b*c*d*e + a*b*c*d*f + a*b*c*e*f +
     a*b*d*e*f + a*c*d*e*f + b*c*d*e*f, a*b*c*d*e*f - 1)

o2 : Ideal of QQ[a..f]
i3 : elapsedTime sols = zeroDimSolve I;
 -- .444025s elapsed
i4 : #sols -- 156 solutions

o4 = 156

The authors would like to acknowledge the June 2020 Macaulay2 workshop held virtually at Warwick, where this package was first developed.




This documentation describes version 0.1 of EigenSolver.

Source code

The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file EigenSolver.m2.


  • Functions and commands
  • Methods
    • zeroDimSolve(Ideal) -- see zeroDimSolve -- zero-dimensional polynomial system solver
  • Symbols
    • Basis -- see zeroDimSolve -- zero-dimensional polynomial system solver
    • Multiplier -- see zeroDimSolve -- zero-dimensional polynomial system solver

For the programmer

The object EigenSolver is a package.