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Packages » ExampleSystems :: puma
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puma -- hand position and orientation of PUMA robot



This system was solved in May 2020, using solveSystem in Macaulay2 v1.15 with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU at 1.60GHz.

There were 16 solutions found in 0.531 seconds (with a Bezout bound of 128).

Reference: "Box-Bisection for solving second-degree systems and the problem of clustering', ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software" by A. Morgan and V. Shapiro. (p. 152-167).

See also:

i1 : puma(RR_53)

       2    2       2    2       2    2       2    2
o1 = {x  + x  - 1, x  + x  - 1, x  + x  - 1, x  + x  - 1, .004731x x  -
       1    2       3    4       5    6       7    8              1 3  
     .3578x x  - .1238x  - .001637x  - .9338x  + x  - .3571, .2238x x  +
           2 3         1           2         4    7                1 3  
     .7623x x  + .2638x  - .07745x  - .6734x  - .6022, x x  + .3578x  +
           2 3         1          2         4           6 8         1  
     .004731x , - .7623x  + .2238x  + .3461}
             2          1         2

o1 : List

Ways to use puma :

For the programmer

The object puma is a method function.