Let $K$ be a field, $E$ the exterior algebra of a finite dimensional, $K$-vector space, and $F$ a finitely generated graded free $E$-module with homogeneous basis $g_1, \ldots, g_r$ such that $\mathrm{deg}(g_1) \le \mathrm{deg}(g_2) \le \cdots \le \mathrm{deg}(g_r)$. We present a Macaulay2 package to manage some classes of monomial submodules of $F$. The package is an extension of the one on monomial ideals, and contains some algorithms for computing stable, strongly stable and lexicograhic $E$-submodules of $F$. Such a package also includes some methods to check whether a sequence of nonnegative integers is the Hilbert function of a graded $E$-module of the form $F/M$, with $M$ graded submodule of $F$. Moreover, if $H_{F/M}$ is the Hilbert function of a graded $E$-module $F/M$, some routines are able to compute the unique lexicograhic submodule $L$ of $F$ such that $H_{F/M} = H_{F/L}.$
Version 1.0 of this package was accepted for publication in volume 11 of The Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry on 3 June 2021, in the article ExteriorModules: a package for computing monomial modules over an exterior algebra (DOI: 10.2140/jsag.2021.11.71). That version can be obtained from the journal or from the Macaulay2 source code repository.
This documentation describes version 1.0 of ExteriorModules.
The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file ExteriorModules.m2.
The object ExteriorModules is a package.