isEulerian(Digraph) -- see isEulerian -- determines if a graph or digraph is Eulerian
isReachable(Digraph,Thing,Thing) -- see isReachable -- checks if a vertex u is reachable from a vertex v
isSink(Digraph,Thing) -- see isSink -- determines if a vertex of a digraph is a sink or not
isSource(Digraph,Thing) -- see isSource -- determines if a vertex of a digraph is a source or not
isStronglyConnected(Digraph) -- see isStronglyConnected -- checks if a digraph is strongly connected
isWeaklyConnected(Digraph) -- see isWeaklyConnected -- checks if a digraph is weakly connected
lowestCommonAncestors(Digraph,Thing,Thing) -- see lowestCommonAncestors -- determines the lowest common ancestors between two vertexSet
net(Digraph) (missing documentation)
nondescendants(Digraph,Thing) -- see nondescendants -- returns the nondescendants of a vertex of a digraph
parents(Digraph,Thing) -- see parents -- returns the parents of a vertex on a digraph
reachable(Digraph,List) -- see reachable -- Returns the vertices reachable in a digraph from a given collection of vertices
reachable(Digraph,Set) -- see reachable -- Returns the vertices reachable in a digraph from a given collection of vertices
reverseBreadthFirstSearch(Digraph,Thing) -- see reverseBreadthFirstSearch -- runs a reverse breadth first search on the digraph starting at a specified node
showTikZ(Digraph) -- see showTikZ -- Writes a string of TikZ syntax that can be pasted into a .tex file to display G
sinks(Digraph) -- see sinks -- returns the sinks of a digraph
sources(Digraph) -- see sources -- returns the sources of a digraph
topologicalSort(Digraph) -- see topologicalSort -- outputs a list of vertices in a topologically sorted order of a DAG.
topologicalSort(Digraph,String) -- see topologicalSort -- outputs a list of vertices in a topologically sorted order of a DAG.
topSort(Digraph) -- see topSort -- topologically sort the vertices of a digraph
topSort(Digraph,String) -- see topSort -- topologically sort the vertices of a digraph
toString(Digraph) (missing documentation)
underlyingGraph(Digraph) -- see underlyingGraph -- Returns the underlying graph of a digraph
vertexSet(Digraph) -- see vertexSet -- Returns the vertices of a graph or digraph
vertices(Digraph) -- see vertexSet -- Returns the vertices of a graph or digraph
writeDotFile(String,Digraph) -- see writeDotFile -- Writes a graph to a dot file with a specified filename