If R = S/I, K is the Koszul complex on the generators of I, and A is the DGAlgebra that is the acyclic closure of K, then the homotopy Lie algebra Pi of the map S -->> R is defined as in Briggs ****, with underlying vector space the graded dual of the space spanned by a given set of generators of A.
Since the acyclic closure is infinitely generated, we must specify the maximum homological degree in which cycles will be killed
The evaluation of bracketMatrix(A,d,e) gives the matrix of values of [Pi^d,Pi^e]. Here we are identifying the vector space spanned by the generators of A with its graded dual by taking the generators produced by the algorithm in the DGAlgebras package to be self-dual.
Note that bracketMatrix(A,d,e) is antisymmetric in d,e if one of them is even, and symmetric in d,e if both are odd
Briggs, Avramov
This documentation describes version 0.9 of HomotopyLieAlgebra.
The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file HomotopyLieAlgebra.m2.
The object HomotopyLieAlgebra is a package.