The main input is an element
a which generates a principal ideal whose integral closure we are seeking. The other two input elements, a non-zerodivisor conductor element
D and the number of steps
N are the pieces of information obtained from
icFracP(R, Verbosity => true). (See the Singh--Swanson paper, An algorithm for computing the integral closure, Remark 1.4.)
i1 : R=ZZ/3[u,v,x,y]/ideal(u*x^2-v*y^2);
i2 : icFracP(R, Verbosity => 1)
Number of steps: 3, Conductor Element: x^2
o2 = {1, ---}
o2 : List
i3 : icPIdeal(x, x^2, 3)
o3 = ideal (x, v*y)
o3 : Ideal of R