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ProgramRun -- result of running an external program


A hash table returned by runProgram with the following strings as keys:

  • "command", the command that was used to run the program.
  • "output", the output of the program to stdout.
  • "error", the output of the program to stderr.
  • "return value", the return value of the program, possibly multiplied by 256 (see run). Note that this is what is displayed when printing a ProgramRun object.

In addition, if runProgram is called with the KeepFiles option set to true, then the following keys will be present:

  • "output file", the path to a file containing the output of the program to stdout.
  • "error file", the path to a file containing the output of the program to stderr.

See also

Functions and methods returning an object of class ProgramRun:

Methods that use an object of class ProgramRun:

For the programmer

The object ProgramRun is a type, with ancestor classes HashTable < Thing.