Computation over ZZ and QQ
In Macaulay2, Integers are arbitrary precision. The ring of integers is denoted ZZ.
i1 : 123456789^5
o1 = 28679718602997181072337614380936720482949
i2 : matrix{{123456789^5}}
o2 = | 28679718602997181072337614380936720482949 |
1 1
o2 : Matrix ZZ <-- ZZ
i3 : gcd(3782621293644611237896400,85946734897630958700)
o3 = 100
The ring of rational numbers is denoted by QQ.
i4 : n = 12345/6789
o4 = ----
o4 : QQ
i5 : n^5
o5 = -------------------
o5 : QQ
i6 : toString(n^5)
o6 = 1179910858126071875/59350279669807543
Computation in finite fields
In order to do arithmetic in this ring, you must construct elements of this ring.
n_A gives the image of the integer n in A.
i8 : 123456789 * 1_A
o8 = -10785
o8 : A
i9 : (123456789_A)^5
o9 = 8705
o9 : A
i10 : A2 = GF(8,Variable=>a)
o10 = A2
o10 : GaloisField
i11 : ambient A2
o11 = ----------
a + a + 1
o11 : QuotientRing
i12 : a^3+a+1
o12 = 0
o12 : A2
i13 : A3 = ZZ/2[a]/(a^20+a^3+1);
i14 : n = a+a^2
o14 = a + a
o14 : A3
i15 : n^5
10 9 6 5
o15 = a + a + a + a
o15 : A3
Computing with real and complex numbers
i16 : n = 123456789.0
o16 = 123456789
o16 : RR (of precision 53)
i17 : n = n * 1_RR
o17 = 123456789
o17 : RR (of precision 53)
i18 : n^5
o18 = 2.867971860299718e40
o18 : RR (of precision 53)
Computing with parameters
i19 : R3 = frac(ZZ[a,b,c])
o19 = R3
o19 : FractionField
i20 : n = 12345*a + 12345/(78*b*c)
320970a*b*c + 4115
o20 = ------------------
o20 : R3
i21 : n^2
2 2 2
103021740900a b c + 2641583100a*b*c + 16933225
o21 = -----------------------------------------------
2 2
676b c
o21 : R3
i22 : n/(9*c)
320970a*b*c + 4115
o22 = ------------------
o22 : R3