i1 : F = ZZ^3
o1 = ZZ
o1 : ZZ-module, free
i2 : peek F
o2 = Module of Vector{cache => CacheTable{...2...} }
numgens => 3
RawFreeModule => free(rank 3 degrees = {1, 1, 1})
ring => ZZ
i3 : F.cache#Foo = Bar
o3 = Bar
o3 : Symbol
i4 : peek F
o4 = Module of Vector{cache => CacheTable{...3...} }
numgens => 3
RawFreeModule => free(rank 3 degrees = {1, 1, 1})
ring => ZZ
i5 : peek F.cache
o5 = CacheTable{cache => MutableHashTable{}}
Foo => Bar
rank => 3
i6 : F === ZZ^3
o6 = true