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compactMatrixForm -- global flag for compact printing



compactMatrixForm is a global flag that specifies whether to display matrices in compact form.

The default value is true. The compact form is the form used by Macaulay, in which the multiplication and exponentiation operators are suppressed from the notation.
i1 : R = ZZ[x,y];
i2 : f = random(R^{2},R^2)

o2 = {-2} | 8x2+xy+3y2 7x2+8xy+3y2 |

             1      2
o2 : Matrix R  <-- R
i3 : compactMatrixForm = false;
i4 : f

           |    2           2    2            2  |
o4 = {-2}  |  8x  + x*y + 3y   7x  + 8x*y + 3y   |

             1      2
o4 : Matrix R  <-- R


This flag currently has no effect outside of Standard output mode.

For the programmer

The object compactMatrixForm is a Boolean value.