showStructure (X,Y,...)
Each such type is displayed to the right of its parent.
A type is an instance of Type, by definition.
i1 : showStructure o1 = Thing : AtomicInt BasicList : Command Constant Eliminate Expression : Adjacent AssociativeExpression : DirectSum Equation Product Sum TensorProduct BinaryOperation Divide FunctionApplication Holder : Describe OneExpression Parenthesize ZeroExpression MapExpression MatrixExpression Minus Power RowExpression SheafExpression SparseMonomialVectorExpression SparseVectorExpression Subscript Superscript Table VectorExpression FilePosition IndeterminateNumber IndexedVariable InfiniteNumber LowerBound Manipulator MutableList : Bag Option Partition ProductOrder RingElement SumOfTwists Time URL Vector VisibleList : AngleBarList Array List : Hybrid VerticalList : NumberedVerticalList Sequence Boolean CompiledFunctionBody Database Dictionary : GlobalDictionary LocalDictionary File Function : CompiledFunction CompiledFunctionClosure : MethodFunction FunctionClosure : CacheFunction Iterator MethodFunctionBinary MethodFunctionSingle MethodFunctionWithOptions FunctionBody HashTable : CoherentSheaf DocumentTag Ideal : MonomialIdeal ImmutableType : Module Matrix MonoidElement MutableHashTable : CacheTable Descent GradedModule : ChainComplex GradedModuleMap : ChainComplexMap GroebnerBasis IndexedVariableTable Package Resolution ScriptedFunctor Type : HeaderType Monoid : OrderedMonoid : GeneralOrderedMonoid Ring : EngineRing : FractionField GaloisField InexactField : ComplexField RealField PolynomialRing QuotientRing RingFamily : InexactFieldFamily SelfInitializingType WrapperType Variety : AffineVariety ProjectiveVariety MutableMatrix OptionTable : GroebnerBasisOptions Program ProgramRun ProjectiveHilbertPolynomial RingMap SheafMap SheafOfRings TestInput VirtualTally : BettiTally : MultigradedBettiTally Tally : Set Net : String NetFile Nothing : InexactNumber : CC * * RR * RRi * Number : InexactNumber : CC RR RRi QQ ZZ Pseudocode Symbol : Keyword SymbolBody Task o1 : Descent
i2 : showStructure(ZZ,QQ,RR,RR_200,QQ[x],Ring) o2 = Thing : BasicList : RingElement : QQ[x] HashTable : MutableHashTable : Type : Ring Nothing : InexactNumber : RR : RR * * 200 Number : InexactNumber : RR QQ ZZ o2 : Descent
The object showStructure is a command.