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Packages » MonodromySolver :: flowerGraphInit
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flowerGraphInit -- solve via monodromy by using flower shaped graph


This is an option for the function monodromySolve which uses a flower graph. That is, the seed system is the central vertex of the graph; it is connected to all other vertices by two paths, thus creating a "petal" for each additional vertex.

i1 : R = CC[a,b,c,d][x,y];
i2 : polys = polySystem {a*x+b*y^2,c*x*y+d};
i3 : monodromySolve(polys,GraphInitFunction => flowerGraphInit)

o3 = (HomotopyNode{...7...}, 24)

o3 : Sequence

For the programmer

The object flowerGraphInit is a function closure.