stronglyLinearStrand -- computes the strongly linear strand of the minimal free resolution of a finitely generated graded module over a multigraded polynomial ring, provided the module is generated in a single degree.
stronglyLinearStrand(Module) -- computes the strongly linear strand of the minimal free resolution of a finitely generated graded module over a multigraded polynomial ring, provided the module is generated in a single degree.
toricLL -- computes the BGG functor of a module over the Koszul dual exterior algebra of a multigraded polynomial ring
toricLL(Module) -- computes the BGG functor of a module over the Koszul dual exterior algebra of a multigraded polynomial ring
toricRR -- computes the BGG functor of a module over a multigraded polynomial ring.
toricRR(Module) -- computes the BGG functor of a module over a multigraded polynomial ring.
toricRR(Module,List) -- computes the BGG functor of a module over a multigraded polynomial ring.
unfold -- converts a differential module into a 1-periodic complex