i1 : K = ZZ/333331;
i2 : C = PP_K^(1,5); -- rational normal quintic curve
o2 : ProjectiveVariety, curve in PP^5
i3 : L = linearSpan {point ambient C,point ambient C}; -- random line
o3 : ProjectiveVariety, curve in PP^5
i4 : C ++ L
o4 = threefold in PP^5 cut out by 5 hypersurfaces of degrees 3^4 4^1
o4 : ProjectiveVariety, threefold in PP^5
i5 : C ++ C
o5 = threefold in PP^5 cut out by 4 hypersurfaces of degree 3
o5 : ProjectiveVariety, threefold in PP^5
i6 : (point C) ++ (point C) ++ (point C)
o6 = surface in PP^5 cut out by 3 hypersurfaces of degree 1
o6 : ProjectiveVariety, surface in PP^5