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Packages » Normaliz :: normalToricRing(List)
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normalToricRing(List) -- normalization of a toric ring



The toric ring S is the monomial subalgebra of the basering generated by the monomials in the list L. The function computes the normalization T of S, which is the integral closure in its field of fractions.
i1 : R=ZZ/37[x,y,t];
i2 : L={x^3, x^2*y, y^3, x*y^2};
i3 : normalToricRing L

o3 = MonomialSubalgebra{cache => CacheTable{...1...}     }
                                        3     2   2    3
                        generators => {y , x*y , x y, x }
                        ring => R

o3 : MonomialSubalgebra of R

Ways to use this method: