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buchweitz -- An example of a semigroup that is not a Weierstrass semigroup



For i>=0 this produces a semigroup B with genus 16+i, conductor 26+2i, and #sums(2, gaps buchweitz i) = 3*(genus B -1)+1). This implies that these semigroups are NOT Weierstrass semigroups by the following argument, first employed by Buchweitz:

If L generates the Weierstrass semigroup of a point x on a Riemann surface C, then the gaps L is the set {1+v | v is the order at p of vanishing of a global section of \omega_C}. Thus sums(d, #gaps L) <= dim H^0(\omega_C^{d) = d*(2g-1) - g + 1.

i1 : B = buchweitz 0

o1 = {13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23}

o1 : List
i2 : g = #gaps B

o2 = 16
i3 : m = 3

o3 = 3
i4 : 2*(2*g-2) - g + 1

o4 = 45
i5 : #sums(2, gaps B)

o5 = 46

More such semigroups can be found with buchweitzSemigroups


The result was written in Ragnar Buchweitz' These d'Etat, but never otherwise published by Buchweitz. In the meantime it became famous anyway.

Ways to use buchweitz:

For the programmer

The object buchweitz is a method function.