UseGB => a Boolean value, default value false, turns on and off a Groebner basis computation of the ideal. Default is false.
UseMinGens => a Boolean value, default value false, turns on and off a mingens computation of the ideal that may change the chosen generators.
SortGens => a Boolean value, default value false, sorts generators in order to make searching for zeroes more efficient.
LowMem => a Boolean value, default value false, uses an alternative algorithm that is slower but much less memory intensive.
Amount => a Boolean value, default value false, output changes to the number of zeroes.
Verbose => a Boolean value, default value false, output includes the generators of the ideal that the computation uses. These may be modified by UseGB or UseMinGens
l, a list, a list of lists. Each internal list is an n-tuple of elements of the finite field such that the n-tuple represents a point in Affine n-space lying on the variety defined by the input ideal I.
i1 : R = ZZ/5[x_1..x_4];
i2 : I = ideal(x_2^2+x_1*x_2+1, x_1*x_2*x_3*x_4+1);
o2 : Ideal of R