The Horrocks-Mumford bundle on projective 4-space can be constructed with the following code. We first produce a base point whose intersection ring contains a variable named n, in terms of which we can compute the Hilbert polynomial.
Then we create the projective space of dimension 4 over the base point.
Note that we use abstractProjectiveSpace' to get Grothendieck-style notation. This has the advantage that the first Chern class of the tautological line bundle is assigned to the variable h:
Now we create an abstract sheaf of rank 2 with $1 + 5 h + 10 h^2$ as its total Chern class:
Alternatively, we can use the representation of the Horrocks-Mumford bundle as the cohomology of the monad $$0 \rightarrow{} O_X(-1)^5 \rightarrow{} \Omega_X^2(2)^2 \rightarrow{} O_X^5 \rightarrow{} 0$$ to produce a construction:
Here is the relationship between the two bundles:
Now we compute the Hilbert polynomial of $F$. This computation makes use of the Riemann-Roch Theorem.