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inclusion -- build the freest possible inclusion map



Given the pullback map f from A to B, builds the freest possible extension E of A by B (see extensionAlgebra), and then adds appropriate metadata to make the maps from E to B and vice-versa into an AbstractVarietyMap. Enough information must be given to compute the dimensions of X and Y, either by using the SubDimension, SuperDimension, and Codimension options, or by having varieties already attached to A and/or B. Likewise, enough information must be given to compute the tangent classes of X and Y.

This construction is useful for computations where the pullback map is known but the pushforward is either not known or cannot be defined.

i1 : p = point

o1 = point

o1 : an abstract variety of dimension 0
i2 : S = intersectionRing p

o2 = S

o2 : PolynomialRing
i3 : Y = projectiveBundle(5,p)

o3 = Y

o3 : a flag bundle with subquotient ranks {1, 5}
i4 : A = intersectionRing Y

o4 = A

o4 : QuotientRing
i5 : B = S[h, Join => false]/h^3 -- A^*(P2), but using 2 times a line as the generating class:

o5 = B

o5 : QuotientRing
i6 : integral B := (b) -> (4 * coefficient((B_0)^2, b))

o6 = FunctionClosure[stdio:6:14-6:50]

o6 : FunctionClosure
i7 : c = 1 + (9/2)*h + (15/2)*h^2 -- normal class

     15 2   9
o7 = --h  + -h + 1
      2     2

o7 : B
i8 : f = map(B,A,{-h, h, h^2, h^3, h^4, h^5})

o8 = map (B, A, {-h, h, h , 0, 0, 0})

o8 : RingMap B <-- A
i9 : i = inclusion(f,
         NormalClass => c,
         Codimension => 3,
         Base => p) -- Base not necessary, will be correctly computed

o9 = i

o9 : a map to a variety from a variety
i10 : Z = target i

o10 = Z

o10 : an abstract variety of dimension 5
i11 : X = source i

o11 = X

o11 : an abstract variety of dimension 2
i12 : Xstruct = X / point

o12 = Xstruct

o12 : a map to point from X
i13 : rank Xstruct_* tangentBundle X

o13 = 8
i14 : integral chern tangentBundle Z

o14 = 6

o14 : S

Ways to use inclusion:

For the programmer

The object inclusion is a method function with options.