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Packages » Seminormalization :: seminormalize(...,Variable=>...)
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seminormalize(...,Variable=>...) -- set the name for new variables created by the function


This option sets the default variable for new variables created by the above functions. You must pass it a symbol. We first give an example of this in the context of seminormalization.

i1 : A = QQ[a,b]/ideal(a^2-b^5);
i2 : seminormalize(A, Variable=>X)

                 QQ[X ..X ]                            QQ[X ..X ]           
                     0   2                                 0   2            
o2 = {-------------------------------, map (-------------------------------,
        2        2          3                 2        2          3         
      (X  - X , X X  - X , X  - X X )       (X  - X , X X  - X , X  - X X ) 
        2    0   0 2    1   0    1 2          2    0   0 2    1   0    1 2  
                                   QQ[Yy   , a..b]            
     A, {X , X }), map (-------------------------------------,
          1   0                2        2       2    2        
                        (Yy   b  - a, Yy   b - b , Yy    - b) 
                           1,0          1,0          1,0      
                QQ[X ..X ]
                    0   2
     -------------------------------, {b, a, Yy   })}
       2        2          3                   1,0
     (X  - X , X X  - X , X  - X X )
       2    0   0 2    1   0    1 2

o2 : List

Here is an example where we normalize a non-domain.

i3 : B = QQ[u,v]/ideal(u*v);
i4 : betterNormalizationMap(B, Variable=>Y)

                  QQ[Y0, Y1, Y2]
o4 = map (-----------------------------, B, {Y1, Y0})
          (Y2  - Y2, Y1*Y2 - Y1, Y0*Y2)

                     QQ[Y0, Y1, Y2]
o4 : RingMap ----------------------------- <-- B
             (Y2  - Y2, Y1*Y2 - Y1, Y0*Y2)

We conclude with an example of taking the product of two rings.

i5 : C = QQ[x];
i6 : D = QQ[y];
i7 : ringProduct({C,D}, Variable=>z)

                  QQ[z0, z1, z2, z3]
o7 = {------------------------------------------, MutableList{...2...},
      (z1 + z3 - 1, z3  - z3, z2*z3 - z2, z0*z3)
     {{z0}, {z2}}}

o7 : List

Further information

Functions with optional argument named Variable: