Curve -- type of HashTable
Curve is a type of HashTable that stores information about a curve. It has keys Divisor and Ideal.
Methods that use an object of class Curve:
degree(Curve) -- computes the degree of a Curve
divisor(Curve) -- extracts the Divisor of a Curve
genus(Curve) -- computes the genus of a Curve
ideal(Curve) -- extracts the ideal of a Curve
isPrime(Curve) -- checks if the ideal of a Curve is prime
isSmooth(Curve) -- see isSmooth(Ideal) -- checks smoothness of an ideal or of a Curve
minimalCurve(Curve) -- see minimalCurve -- generates a minimal curve in the biliaison class
minimalCurveBetti(Curve) -- see minimalCurveBetti -- computes the Betti diagram of the minimal curve
net(Curve) -- displays the ideal of the curve
raoModule(Curve) -- see raoModule -- computes the Rao module of a curve
surface(Curve) -- see surface -- the surface key of a Divisor or a Curve