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Packages » SymbolicPowers :: isSymbolicEqualOrdinary
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isSymbolicEqualOrdinary -- tests if symbolic power is equal to ordinary power



Given a radical ideal I and an integer $n$, this method returns true if and only if $I^n=I^{(n)}$. This method circumvents computing the symbolic powers in most cases, by first testing the bigHeight of $I^n$

i1 : B = QQ[x,y,z];
i2 : f = map(QQ[t],B,{t^3,t^4,t^5})

                      3   4   5
o2 = map (QQ[t], B, {t , t , t })

o2 : RingMap QQ[t] <-- B
i3 : I = ker f;

o3 : Ideal of B
i4 : isSymbolicEqualOrdinary(I,2)

o4 = false

See also

Ways to use isSymbolicEqualOrdinary:

For the programmer

The object isSymbolicEqualOrdinary is a method function.