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Packages » SymbolicPowers :: noPackedSub
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noPackedSub -- finds a substitution of variables by 1 and/or 0 for which an ideal is not Konig.



Given an ideal that is not packed, returns a substitution of variables by 0 and/or 1 that produces an ideal that is not Konig. Determines only one such substitutions, even though others may exist.

i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z];
i2 : I = ideal(x*y,y*z,x*z);

o2 : Ideal of R
i3 : noPackedSub(I)

o3 = The ideal itself is not Konig!

See also

Ways to use noPackedSub:

For the programmer

The object noPackedSub is a method function.